NGO Partnership

CEDP Trust With Its Mission

In mind to make a significant difference in the lives of the youth, and create a measureable impact in the area of skill development has joined hands with several NGO’s like World Vision, Jana Pragati Centre, Sahasee, Masoom, ACT, Oasis, various Mahila Bachat Gats, St.Judes India Child Care and many others to provide livelihood training.
We actively seek to build partnerships with more like minded NGOs for various projects. We have flexible partnership models which include project partnership, content partnership, and relationships for services such as content,training, processes, testing and certification and placements.
Interested parties can drop an email to us on

Collaboration with St. Jude India Child Care Centers
St.Judes is a not-for-profit organization in India that provides free of charge shelter and holistic care to children who are undergoing cancer treatment and with their families, at Tata Memorial Hospital and other treating hospitals. The parents who accompany these children have left their native places and their livelihoods behind to be here for their kids. With the help of St.Judes we are conducting Two Wheeler Certification for the parents so that they utilize their time in Mumbai gainfully and learn a new skill which will help them to earn their livelihood, when they go back to their homes.”

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